Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Why would I switch to herbs?

I've been noticing a trend recently.

All of the major gold bloggers have been constantly telling everyone that once the cut green gems that you vendor drop from 9 gold down to 75 silver that all of the botters out there will be switching over to herbs.

I'm not quite sure of the reasoning behind this...

Now maybe the chinese gold farmers will do this, but the average people, the botters that don't have to reach a quota, the ones who use a bot only for their personal profit (and believe me, there are an abundance of them), we won't be "making a switch."

Something that I'm perplexed at is that these "Gold Gurus" think that us botters have not already been in the herb market. They obviously don't understand how these bots work.

I'm not here to reveal the mechanics of any of the bots out there. If you're here for that. Then you might as well leave.

What I am here for is to help eliminate the stigma that everyone has towards us botters.

The fact is.

Bots have been around since World of Warcraft was created. They will continue to exist.

But I digress;

Who's to say that my bot. The one I use on a daily basis. Has not already been running/flying around grabbing up every ore AND every herb it finds.

You read that right.

The bots grab ore, herbs, kill mobs, loot the bodies. Plus many other things.

So this information that has been going around about the bots switching come patch 4.1 is utterly ridiculous.


  1. Great post and nice blog. I hope you stick with it as I would love to see what you have to say.

    With regards to what people like me have been saying - personally I never believed that most bots were farming ONLY ore. Instead I was of the (incorrect?) belief that most of the paths bots took were emphasizing ore nodes over herbs. Most of us in the gold making community believe this based on the prices of ore and herbs on the AH. There have been gobs and gobs of ore on many servers for weeks while herbs seemed to hold a bit more steady - making many of us believe that the botters out there were focusing on ore.

    Like I said though, I really, really look forward to reading your blog.

  2. Personally it's not utterly ridiculos at all, currently most botters of whom I know of farm ore, and with the patch the price for ore is most likely going to crash. Now botters will most likely want to yield the best GP/Hr so if the ore market crashes, where are the going to go? Herbs.

    Sure, some botters already bot herbs, but I'm saying that the botter who've been botting ore will and could potentially swap over to herbs once the price of ore falls through the ground

  3. Thanks Bangkok Bill,

    I, in fact, do intend to continue to blog about my botting adventures.

    Mage, you're right. The botters who are focusing on ONLY max GP/HR will be botting only whatever will yield the greatest ratio.

    But, This is not what I do. Why?

    Because this is how you get caught. If I were constantly farming with the same toon in the same area for the same items. Wouldn't that become suspicious?

    I'm doing this with one account that I've had for a very long time. I take all the precautionary measures required to not get caught.

    I'll post another entry later about who you can and can't trust in your guilds.

  4. It's not speculation. It's true. Looking at many of the servers will show a shortage of Obsidium Ore and a flooding of herbs at a much lwoer price than usual.

    To be accurate, some of us gold bloggers said that botters will be switching to Elementium Ore and Herbs instead of Obsidium Ores.

    Looking forward to more posts.

  5. Again, I agree with you that the chinese gold farmers. The ones who have to meet a quota are doing this. The bots that must push out X amount of gold or they don't get paid. They will be doing this.

    What I am trying to say is that most of the botters that actually play their accounts have been farming herbs this entire time. We never stopped. I'll run my miner/herbalist once every few days and be fine for a while.

    Just too much more information I have to share to waste it on a comment. A post about the daily routine will be set up.

  6. You have to take what gold bloggers say with a grain of salt, because their speculation usually ends up being wrong. Markco in particular was always bad for that.

  7. Cold, a "shortage" indicates an inability to keep up with demand. If that is actually the case, prices will rise, and the GPH botters will be right back to ore again.

    No one cares if botters move away from ore if there is little demand for it (now that the shuffle is likely to be much less effective), except that maybe herbs will be a bit cheaper.

    So what is the take-away? The market determines price, not the botters. Too many 'gurus' seem to be forgetting that point.

  8. As you've already alluded to, botters tend to fall into two distinct categories, the independent botter and the slave labor botter.

    Independents like yourself usually tailor a character around the target activity, taking dual gathering professions so they need never leave a piece of gold lying on the ground behind them.

    Most of the asian botters I've talked to over the years were usually handed a pre-made character and told to do a specific activity for their shift. Often those characters mysteriously only had one gathering skill and none were eager to eat up time learning a second one (as many of those characters would "go dark" after a couple weeks.)

    Back in Wrath, I had to bribe two of my herb farmers to level up mining so I could get enough titanium in advance of the epic gem patch. I bought a ton off them. After the patch when the value of the ore doubled, they thanked me by dropping 24 stacks on me for free.

    As we all know the old saying that things vary by server, some servers have a large percentage of independent farmers and on some, the reverse is true. Where the reverse is true, the availability OR the value of ore will drop to some degree as many will be distracted relevelling an entire profession.

    More importantly though, many of the players that have been relying ONLY on the prospect/vendor cycle don't have supplemental professions to work the other branches of the shuffle. And that's why a number of us feel that demand for ores will take a sudden drop.

  9. Excellent insight Whitewolf. Gave me more material for future posts.

  10. I have one other insight that I keep forgetting to post anywhere.

    On my server the price of ore has been going up for the most part. I'm sure some of that is because the "prosvendors" have been getting in as much action as they can before the change.

    But I also believe that all the buzz on all the blogs has made the mostly-oblivious population at large aware of this process and that many are only now trying their hand at it.

  11. Honestly, I don't even think ore prices will plummet all that badly. Very few people that I've talked to cut and vendor. There's way too many more profitable options. Xmuting, crafting and DEing, and selling on the daily have usually been more profitable.

    Also, the floor price won't take as much of a hit as some people seem to think. All of the uncommon crafted items require 2 (or one, in the case of the Jasper ring) uncommon gems and vendor for 5g, 50s, 86c.

    The floor price will still be much lower than it is currently, but not as bad as the 75s cut and vendor price suggests.

  12. Those of us who have enchanting with our jc will be able to make this work. Those who only cut and vendor will take a hit.
